The ROI Return On Investment, ROI. It is the analysis of the return on our investment , or the translation of it into economic terms. One of the first values to take into consideration is the calculation of the contacts received which resulted in sales. from a marketing campaign .
But it's not always a simple operation. The data deriving Turkey Phone Numbers 32 Million List from marketing campaigns and web accesses are not always easy to read and interpret. It is important to equip yourself with tools that can assist in data analysis and evaluation. Being able to unify data, analyze it and finally obtain processable information is a complex activity that requires not only skills but also adequate IT aids.
Through the analysis of this data it is possible to formulate new marketing strategies by modeling them on the target user. A fundamental aspect is the combination and integration between data deriving from B2B and sales strategies. Data management: challenges and opportunities for B2B marketing today Data-driven adopt the right mindset in the company Building a (truly) data-driven culture 28.