To keep it simple, you should stick to a maximum of three KPIs per business goal.If you choose KPIs for our example business, Anita Flower Delivery, you might get something like this Proxy Traffic from new visitorsKPI Number of new visitorsKPI Percentage of new visitorsProxy Email registrationKPI Visits to the thank you pageProxy SalesKPI Total revenueKPI Number of transactionsProxy Repeat purchasesKPI Customer lifetime valueKPI Average number of transactions per userIf you follow along.
Your measurement plan should look like this KPIs remove a lot of the uncertainty around Belgium Mobile Number List whether you are achieving your business goals or not.If you want to know how your business is doing at a particular stage of the funnel, all you need to do is go to Google Analytics and check a few KPIs.4. CREATE RELEVANT SEGMENTSAt this stage, you've discovered your business goals, identified proxies for those goals, and success in Google Analytics.If you've gotten this far, then you already have a better Web Analytics strategy than 99% of businesses out there.
Happy!Thus, this final step in the Web Analytics strategy is the one that will take you to the top of that 1% of web analysts.Do you know what a segment is?Segments are a method of selecting or excluding certain groups of visitors during your data analysis. Not every website visitor is the same.On most websites you will find Mobile vs. desktop usersNew visitors vs. returning visitors returning visitorsCustomers vs. non-customersPaid traffic (paid traffic) vs. paid traffic organic traffic vs. social traffic vs.